Breast cancer - its symptoms, living with it and research on the horizon

Many of us have lost loved ones to breast cancer or are living with it right now ourselves.

Do you know what the early signs of breast cancer are in order to mitigate the disease? How do you best manage living with the disease? …and what is on the horizon in terms of research?

4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic discussed breast cancer with Professor Elgene Lim a Breast Oncologist at St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, and Lab head at the Garvan Institute.

For a deep dive…

To learn more on: Professor Elgene Lim or the Garvan Institute. Click here to stay updated with Garvan's latest medical developments.

Other medical support for Breast Cancer:

For emotional supportive services, Professor Lim suggests checking the Breast Cancer Network of Australia website or visiting your local cancer centre.  

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