Did you know most Domestic Violence refuges aren't pet-friendly?

'Pets in Crisis', RSPCA's pet foster care programme for people experiencing Domestic Violence 

Sadly pets are often abused as part of the spectrum of domestic violence. Domestic violence counsellors regularly speak with people whose pets are beaten or tortured by their abusive partners in order to frighten and control them into staying in these violent relationships. 

Most Domestic Violence refuge shelters aren't pet-freindly - so RSPCA Queensland has a ‘Pets in Crisis’ program to allow foster care for pets while someone is seeking safety transitioning from a violent home. 

Julie Herbert, the RSPCA State Foster Care Coordinator for ‘Pets in Crisis’ program chatted with 4ZZZ reporter Eliot Rifkin on this little known and worthy programme.

‘Pets in Crisis’ provides a safe house for the pets of individuals experiencing domestic violence. If you (or a friend) are in a Domestic Violence situation and need to seek refuge but are unable to find care for your/their beloved pets and need temporary animal foster care service while in the DV shelter then visit RSPCA’s ‘Pets in Crisis

DVConnect '24-hour' crisis line works directly with RSPCA Qld to find temporary care for their pets at either an RSPCA Animal Care Centre across the State or with trained RSPCA foster carers.

  • Women call: 1800 811 811 
  • Men call: 1800 600 636.

Want to volunteer for the RSPCA? There are heaps of fascinating positions available here  Interested in becoming a RSPCA foster carer, here's an application

For more info on pets and domestic violence, you can also visit the American site  - Red Rover 


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