Digital IDs - Here and Abroad

Recently have you ever tried lodging photographic documents, such as passports into a government app and the system has asked you to upload to your facial ID in order for you to gain clearance.

Well this is an example of a digital ID and they’ve expanded across many sectors of society in Australia and around the world.

Have you wondered where exactly are we at with digital IDs and the debates surrounding these systems? Did you know there has actually been a digital id bill put forth in Australia?

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic chatted about these topics with Dr Erica Mealy, a Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

For a deep dive...

Erica recommends checking out either the Australian Privacy Foundation or Electronic Frontiers Australia for helpful information on all things Digital IDs.

The Digital ID Bill 2024 can be found on this Parliament of Australia link, here you will also find transcripts as well as documentations on amendments to the bill.

Here is an interesting article about how Nepal intends to assign digital IDs during birth registration.

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