Workers 4 Climate Justice Brisbane

As the conversation continues about combatting climate change, a Brisbane Union group is starting discussions on the measures required for transitioning workers into low-carbon jobs. Workers 4 Climate Justice Brisbane is a local group that is trying to shift focus and create awareness on Australia’s lack of an exit plan for coal. As the nation works towards net-zero emissions, Workers 4 Climate Justice is insisting leaders prepare for this transition into a more sustainable future. 4ZZZ Journalist Neve Ferreira spoke with Mary Maher, member of the Workers for Climate Justice Group, to find out more.  

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As the conversation continues about combatting climate change, a Brisbane Union group is starting discussions on the measures required for transitioning workers into low-carbon jobs. Workers 4 Climate Justice Brisbane is a local group that is trying to shift focus and create awareness on Australia’s lack of an exit plan for coal. As the nation works towards net-zero emissions, Workers 4 Climate Justice is insisting leaders prepare for this transition into a more sustainable future. 4ZZZ Journalist Neve Ferreira spoke with Mary Maher, member of the Workers for Climate Justice Group, to find out more.  

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That was Mary Maher from Workers 4 Climate Justice Brisbane speaking there. You’re listening to 4ZZZ.

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