Epilepsy - a dark secret causing lifestyle anxieties

Many of us have heard of epilepsy, however have you ever thought of how it impacts people just going out for drinks or their relationships?

Has anyone ever told you they have epilepsy or do you have friends with secrets? Do you know how to support them during a seizure?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin took a deep dive with Mater Advanced Epilepsy Unit’s Associate Professor Sasha Dionisio about all things epilepsy and the innovative work they’re doing.

To learn more about the symptoms and lifestyle issues of epilepsy as well as find support visit Epilepsy Queensland or Epilepsy Action Australia and visit the Mater’s Advanced Epilepsy Unit to delve deeper in clinical care available or their current research.

Queensland Health has a fact sheet on ‘Seizures’ to help you with some quick insight.


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