Have a favourite possession that needs some fixing… visit the Repair Cafe.

Do you know about the Repair Café where you can be partnered with a repair mentor and fix it together?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted about the Repair Café with Dan Martens, the person that started Repair Café Sandgate and how you can get involved.

Visit the Repair Café Sandgate Facebook page and see how it works and have your broken loved things fixed. And if you want to signup as a Repair volunteer go to the Volunteer sign up form, if the link doesn't work just message them thru their Facebook Page.

If you want to do a deep dive on the Repair Café - visit their website. There's also a fundraising campaign as well as support for you to start up your own Repair Café chapter or message them on their Facebook page, as they are really enthusiastic about providing guidance to help you to set up your own Repair Cafe or email them at repaircafe.sandgate@gmaIl.com


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