With the election fast approaching, the 4ZZZ Newsroom has been hard at work gathering all the news from the campaign trail. Last week 4ZZZ news coordinator Alexis Pink sat down with Graham Perret, current federal member for Moreton to chat about his campaign and some of the issues facing South East Queensland communities. LANGUAGE WARNING: There is a little swearing in the interview.

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On-Air Story Introduction

With the election fast approaching, the 4ZZZ Newsroom has been hard at work gathering all the news from the campaign trail. Last week 4ZZZ news coordinator Alexis pink sat down with Graham Perret, current federal member for Moreton to chat about his campaign and some of the issues facing South East Queensland communities. Just a quick language warning here too, there is a little swearing in the interview.

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On-Air Story Conclusion

That Was 4ZZZ News coordinator Alexis Pink chatting to federal member and candidate for Moreton Graham Perret. For more election coverage, tune into Brisbane Line on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or check out the 4ZZZ Breaks the Election podcast wherever you listen to podcasts.

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