Women's Abortion Rights Campaign

Demi Lynch


1 in 4 women will have an abortion at some point in their lives. Yet it is still illegal in Queensland.However many people in the state do not realise that abortion is still in the criminal code. 


The Women's Abortion Rights Campaign (WARC) has done more thirty street pickets in Brisbane. Anna McCormack made it clear these are not rallies - WARC campaigners gather at city intersections of the CBD and give out flyers and hold signs to raise awareness about the issue. She says more men are joining the street pickets and getting behind women's rights and issues. 


Demi Lynch reports. 


Campaigner Maurie Tolley protests for women's abortion rights. Credit: Daniel McCormack



Campaigner Maurie Tolley protests for women's abortion rights. Credit: Daniel McCormack




Women at street picket hold signs advocating for abortion rights. Credit: Daniel McCormack



Women at street picket hold signs advocating for abortion rights. Credit: Daniel McCormack




Women hold protest signs on the streets of Brisbane CBD. Credit: Daniel McCormack.



Abortion rights campaigners gather at the busy Brisbane CBD intersections. Credit: Daniel McCormack