Visual Artist Dr Fiona Foley's piece - 'Dispersed'

Did you know Aboriginal workers were once paid in opium or of the devastation wrought upon Queensland’s Badtjala people at the end of the 19th century?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted with Badtjala author and visual artist Dr Fiona Foley on both her new book coming out - Bogimbah Creek Mission: The First Aboriginal Experiment’… as well as her award winning book ‘Biting the Clouds’.

If youʻd like to attend Dr Fiona Foleyʻs talk this 4th November at the State library - register here and to purchase a copy of her earlier book, Biting the Clouds.


For a deep dive...

Learn more about the Badtjala people follow - Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation on Facebook as well as a State Library Queensland blog written by Dr Fiona Foley on Badtjala people taken from Maryborough or Dr Fiona Foley's wiki and website


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On-Air Story Introduction

Did you know Aboriginal workers were once paid in opium or of the devastation wrought upon Queensland’s Badtjala people at the end of the 19th century?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted with Badtjala author and visual artist Dr Fiona Foley on both her new book coming out - Bogimbah Creek Mission: The First Aboriginal Experiment’… as well as her award winning book ‘Biting the Clouds’

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On-Air Story Conclusion

That was Badtjala author and visual artist Dr Fiona Foley chatting on both her new book coming out - Bogimbah Creek Mission: The First Aboriginal Experiment’… as well as her award winning book ‘Biting the Clouds’

On-Air Story Further Information

Badtjala author and visual artist Dr Fiona Foley bio and - Bogimbah Creek Mission: The First Aboriginal Experiment’… as well as her award winning book ‘Biting the Clouds’.

If youʻd like to attend Dr Fiona Foleyʻs talk this 4th November at the State library - register here and to purchase a copy of her earlier book, Biting the Clouds.

For a deep dive...

Learn more about the Badtjala people follow - Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation on Facebook as well as a State Library Queensland blog written by Dr Fiona Foley on Badtjala people taken from Maryborough or Dr Fiona Foley's wiki and website