Volunteer-run aged care charity, Co.As.It Community Services is putting out a call to young people in Brisbane looking to volunteer and help older people from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds in their community. 4ZZZ journalist Catherine Strohfeldt reports.

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Volunteer-run aged care charity, Co.As.It Community Services is putting out a call to young people in Brisbane looking to volunteer and help older people in their community. The Adopt a Nonna or Nonno program pairs older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with volunteers from their communities, forming an example of a type of community-led socially-focused aged care service that could fill gaps in care for an industry stretched thin from staffing and structural challenges. 4ZZZ journalist Catherine Strohfeldt reports.

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That was Grace Demaio (De-mayo) finishing Catherine Strohfeldt’s report on Co.As.It’s Adopt a Nonna or Nonno Program.

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