Do you know much about our native cat - the quoll… whose males die immediately after their mating season?

Do you know much about our native cat - the quoll… whose males die immediately after their mating season?

Eliot Rifkin chatted about the Northern Quoll with Pietro Viacava a PhD candidate from the University of Queensland who led a study comparing Northern Quoll skulls across a 5000-kilometre range in a quest exploring how they’re adapting (or not) in very different environments.

Hmmm, why skulls you may think?…  and why the Northern Quoll… listen and find out.

...and to deep dive into the Northern Quolls visit - Wikipedia as well as the Wildlife Qld Northern Quoll fact sheet, to read Pietro’s study “Skull shape of a widely distributed, endangered marsupial reveals little evidence of local adaptation between fragmented populations”  and the UQ News story - “The northern quoll: an amazingly versatile survivor?”  to download one of the skull's 3D models and to keep in touch with Pietro's new research subscribe to his Twitter

There also is a government Northern Quoll Recovery Plan
...and lastly to get hands-on and more involved: Quoll Seekers Network

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