Oh Dear, Queensland has a Feral Deer problem

When most of us think of deer, often an image of Bambi comes to mind… a cute innocent fawn. Paul McCartney even credits the shooting of Bambi’s mother as his initial interest in Animal Rights.

Deer however are an introduced species here in Queensland and are having major effects. What is Queensland’s feral deer strategy and how are they affecting Queensland?

Joining 4ZZZ's Eliot and Toni to chat about feral deer was Mick Jeffery at Biosecurity from the Department of Agriculture & Fisheries.

For a deep dive… 

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has an online form you can complete to report on feral deer sightings or animal diseases. The call centre number is 13 25 23.

FeralScan is a free resource that can be used by anyone to record pest animal activity, evidence of pests, pest damage, and control actions. Download the FeralScan phone app version at either the Google or Apple stores.

Did you know Queensland’s coat of arms features a red deer? And that four deer species inhabit the Sunshine State - ChitalFallowRed and Rusa.

Download QLD's current feral deer strategy here or the Biosecurity Act 2014 here.

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