The COP26 summit is set to take place this November to address the global climate emergency and discuss commitments to tackle emissions. Australia remains a laggard on climate action due to its unambitious emissions targets and is facing mounting international pressure to commit to net zero by twenty fifty. 4ZZZ Journalist Thomas Hawker spoke to Climate Council spokesperson and contributor to five previous IPCC reports Professor Will Steffen about climate action and policy in Australia.

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The COP26 summit is set to take place this November to address the global climate emergency and discuss commitments to tackle emissions. Australia remains a laggard on climate action due to its unambitious emissions targets and is facing mounting international pressure to commit to net zero by twenty fifty. 4ZZZ Journalist Thomas Hawker spoke to Climate Council spokesperson and contributor to five previous IPCC reports Professor Will Steffen about climate action and policy in Australia.


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On-Air Story Conclusion

That was 4ZZZ Journalist Thomas Hawker speaking to Climate Council spokesperson and contributor to five IPCC reports Professor Will Steffen.

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Two parter. Seperate parts can be found at… (will have to login with 4zzz newsroom credentials)

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