Last week, the largest weapons expo in the southern hemisphere took place right here in Brisbane, with representatives and vendors from around the world in attendance. This Land Forces Expo has been held here in Brisbane for the last few years and has attracted a significant presence by anti-war protestors. 4ZZZ journalist Samuel O'Brien investigates the significance of these protests and the actions taken on day one of the expo.

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On-Air Story Introduction

On the 4th of October, the largest weapons expo in the southern hemisphere took place right here in Brisbane, with representatives and vendors from around the world in attendance. This Land Forces Expo has been held here in Brisbane for the last few years and has attracted a significant presence by anti-war protestors. 4ZZZ journalist Samuel O'Brien investigates the significance of these protests and the actions taken on day one of the expo.

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On-Air Story Conclusion

The was 4ZZZ journalist Samuel O'Brien exploring day one of the Land Forces Expo 2022 and the significant protest movement around it.

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