Queenslandʻs shrinking rainforests - a treasure slipping away

Many of us are aware of protecting the Great Barrier Reef - and it IS a world treasure worth protecting, however do you give much thought to our other treasure - Queenslandʻs rainforests?

By limiting development, is that all that is needed to protect them? Are our rainforests self-sustaining and healthy?

4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic chatted about Queenslandʻs rainforests with Susan Laurance a Professor of Tropical Ecology from James Cook University in Cairns.

For a deep dive...

To learn more about Professor Susan Laurance and her research, you can visit her James Cook University profile page.

Any expert drone users or volunteers wanting to help Susan in her rainforest projects. Why not contact her? Plus you'll enjoy an extended tropical 'vacation' away from home!

Want to know how to reach the top of a rainforest canopy? Well Susan has co-authored an interesting article in 'The Conversation', that goes into detail about how canopy cranes enhance rainforest research.

Here are some topics related to the interview that you can learn more about:

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