Image Credit: Ciaran Gregg

Earlier this year, it was announced that QUT student magazine Glass was the most recent Australian uni-run media outlet to be hit with a budget cut. QUT students and editors took to social media and local news organizations to share their outrage at the budget cuts and the implications. 4ZZZ Journalist Stephanie Felesina spoke with QUT guild member Zoe to discuss the possible causes for the budget cuts, Glass editor-in-chief Ciaran Gregg about the internal impacts of a budget cut on the student magazine, and Joe Hathaway, editor of Vertigo, the university magazine for UTS a fellow editor who's budget was drastically slashed. 



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Earlier this year, it was announced that QUT student magazine Glass was the most recent in Australia uni run media to be hit with a budget cut. QUT students and editors took to social media and local news organizations to share their outrage at the budget cuts and the implications. I spoke with QUT guild member Zoe to discuss the possible causes for the budget cuts and then Glass editor in chief Ciaran Gregg about the internal impacts of a budget cut to the student magazine. 

This next story continues the university budget cuts, but from a more national scope. Last year, the University of Technology syd student media publication Vertigo was also hit with a budget cut. 4zzz journalist stephanie Felesina spoke with the editor of Vertigo, the university magazine for UTS, Joe Hathaway-Wilson about the personal and national impacts 


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On-Air Story Conclusion

That was my conversation with QUT guild member Zoe Davidson and Glass editor in Chief Cairan Greg surrounding the impacts of budget cuts to university run magazine and the students who contribute and read it. The story continues after this song. You’re listening to 4ZZZ

That was 4zzz journalist Stephanie Felesina speaking with Joe hathaway-wilson about the impacts of budget cuts and the importance of student journalism. 


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