In March a Tamil family was removed from their community in Biloela in a dawn raid and have been in detention ever since. The community was outraged with many actions and vigils taking place calling on the Federal Government to release the family. The family was removed as the Government believes the family do not qualify for a protection visa. The two parents Nadesalingam and Priya arrived to Australia by boat separately in 2012 and since moving to central Queensland in 2013 have had two children. Since being in detention they have been in a lengthy appeal process and last Friday on the 22nd of June they were issued deportation notices. An injunction has since been placed for Priya and their eldest daughter, meaning they can stay in the country while another appeal is being processed. 4ZZZ News Reporter Jack McDonnell spoke with the lawyer representing the family, Kajaliny Ranjith, about the legal process that the family are in and what lies ahead of them.