West Papua series - Transmigration | Environmental Impact (Part 3 of 4)

You may have heard of West Papua, now part of Indonesia, in their striving for self-determination.  However do you know how West Papua arrived in its conflict? ...or our northern neighbour’s history?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin continues the exploration of West Papua's history with Jim Elmslie (West Papua Project at the Department for Peace and Conflict Studies / University of Sydney) in the third part of a 4 part series.

Music is a potent source of cultural resistance in West Papua - so this interview refers to the music of David Bridie as well as music performed by West Papuans Ferry Marisan & Eyuser.

coming soon… Pt 4 - “Human rights and activism”      

Keep current with West Papua with Info Papua   Want to learn more or get involved with some activist groups…     

•    Free Papua Movement (Organisasi Papua Merdeka or OPM)     

•    United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP)

To listen to: Part 1 - from Dutch colonialism to Indonesian control
                      Part 2 - from 1969 vote aka “Act of No Choice” to present

To read Jim’s Asia-Pacific Journal article: The Great Divide: West Papuan Demographics Revisited;Settlers Dominate Coastal Regions but the Highlands Still Overwhelmingly Papuan


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