What is the flu and various vaccine delivery methods

Is it an urban myth, if you get the Flu shot… then you’ll get the flu?  Did you know there are different vaccine delivery methods and they are trialed differently?  

4ZZZ reporter Eliot Rifkin had a live chat with Dr Ian Mackay a virologist affiliated with UQ’s Child Health Research Centre at the School of Medicine about all things flu.

Here's a couple of flu-related vaccine links:
The World Health Organisation (WHO)'s recommendations on the composition of influenza virus vaccines and info on the influenza vaccine, viruses and reagents

If you’d like to learn a bit more about Dr Ian Mackay, visit this link and also go to Dr Ian Mackay's blog where he breaks down virus-related science for you - here or twitter

To learn more about UQs Child Health research Centre (CHRC) visit this link

If you’re interested in our earlier chat with Ian on viruses in general … listen to 4ZZZ.s “Virus 101”


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