"I am organising a Lap-a-thon for Melanoma Awareness to raise funds for Melanoma Institute Australia . Dane Bird-Smith our local Olympian 20km walker and Gold Medallist at the Commonwealth Games will be challenging all participants to out walk him around the oval!!! This is a community event for all age groups. We have dog walkers, babes in prams and residents of Aveo Retirement Village involved. There is a BBQ and Canteen serving hot and cold drinks . We have a swathe of wonderful prizes from local businesses to give away!
MUST Register on Facebook OR www.SaveYourSkinSaveYourLife.com
Why I am doing this:
I was inspired by the ABC Australian Story on Emma Betts who died in her early 20s from Melanoma. She created a Facebook page called Dear Melanoma and blogged daily her experiences and feelings creating a huge following. That it affects young people shocked me so much I was drawn to create this fundraising event and have the support of Emma’s parents.
About the Melanoma Institute Australia
Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) pioneers advances in melanoma research and treatment that are making a difference to the lives of patients today. MIA is a non-profit organisation dedicated to preventing and curing melanoma through innovative, world-class research, treatment and education programs. This cancer that is the third most common cancer in Australia and it predominantly targets 15 -39 year olds!"