El Delpha: Delpha Daze (Spare Time)
Val Flynn ft. Miss Blanks: Werq 4 It (Single)(Independent)
DOBBY: DOBBY (Independent)
Nat Vazer: Struggletown (Single)(Hotel Motel Records / Inertia)
Jamilla: King (Single)(Independent)
Donna Amini: Big Machine (Single)(Independent)
Peter Bibby: Long Baby (Single)(Spinning Top Records)
Moaning Lisa: Comfortable (Single)(Angel Fuzz Records)
Activities of Daily Living: SPACE (Tender Collection)
Sophiegrophy: Caution (Single)(WVS)
Little Wise: Want it All (Single)(Footstomp Music)
Banoffee: Muscle Memory (Single)(Dot Dash/Remote Control Records)
HIGH HØØPS: Blue Eyes (Single)(A Label Called Success)
Steven A. Clark:Where Neon Goes To Die (SECRETLY CANADIAN)
IDLES :Joy As An Act Of Resistance (Pod/Inertia/Partisan)