1. Requin - The Noisy Miners Swoop Him EP
2. Tia Gostelow - Thick Skin
3. Cub Sport - Sometimes (Single)
4. Body Type - Body Type EP
5. Nice Biscuit - Digital Mountain
6. Ivey - Gorgeous EP
7. The Goon Sax - We're Not Talking
8. Blaq Carrie - Chain Heavy EP
9. Felivand - In Bloom EP
10. Sampology - Mt Glorious EP
11. Ella Fence - Call Girl (Single)
12. First Beige - Vivid/Images (Single)
13. Action Slacks - A Thousand Flamingos (Single)
14. These Guy - Cleaning Up The Streets (Single)
15. Bitumen - Discipline Reaction
16. LALKA - CTRL ALTer Ego (Single)
17. A Country Practice - Gardening Concerns (Single)
18. Rat Revenge - Neon Tomb (Single)
19. Bleeding Knees Club - Fade The Hammer
20. Total Giovanni - Euphoria