A Toowoomba widow is calling for more out-of-hospital suicide prevention service in regional areas. 

Beth McEwan’s husband Grant had been struggling with depression and she believed he fell through the cracks while navigating the mental health system.

Ms McEwan says after his husband began struggling under the pressure of his work, staff at Toowoomba Hospital were reluctant to treat him. 

Ms McEwan said she believed her husband could have been saved if there were other services available to help monitor his condition and offer out-of-hospital care.

"He was just at the lowest point I have ever seen him and I had to beg the hospital to actually take him in — they just didn't think he was suicidal,” Ms McEwan said. 

A spokesperson for the opposition health says there is nowhere to go for people who are not admitted to hospital and are asking for help.

If you or anyone you know needs help, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.