Brilliantly written and executed, a must see!


Fan girls was inspired by the young cousin of performer, writer and composer Yve Blake, who confided that she was so besotted with a boy band heartthrob that she would “slit someone’s throat to be with him”. After years of research and writing Blake has created the heart-warming story of Edna, a 14-year-old girl in love and obsessed with Harry. However, Harry is unobtainable as he is the leading member of the World famous teen boy band “True Connection”. She is one of many teens obsessed with Harry as they share their dreams and desires in an online chatroom. But Edna knows her true love is different to the rest and she is determined to meet Harry when he performs locally. She is convinced they will instantly have that “true connection” leading to them running away together and is determined to meet him, no matter what the cost… 


Yve Blake is a dynamo of energy and talent, having written the book, composed the music and starring in the leading role. She provides an insightful and detailed knowledge of a teen’s thoughts, teams and obsessive mind which was instantly recognised by many parents of teenagers in the audience. The show is “Glee” styled with contemporary teenage dance, songs and fabulous sparkly outfits. I thought it would seem trite and childish but instead I was wowed by the brilliant writing, the fast pace and the talent of the young cast. Each time they broke out into a song it was relevant, fun and often involved both visual and witty lyrical comedy. 


The simply designed set was adaptable and effective with a sparkly floor and two walls on which hundreds of live chat room teens, each played by the cast, created a fascinating backdrop when Edna was online in cyberworld.


James Majoos playing Saltypringl, Edna’s online True Connection chat room and fan fiction writer friend, was brilliant. With a nasal effeminate American accent, precision timing and killer dress sense he lightened up the often dark themes with a shimmy and a radiant smile. Edna’s school besties, the timid Brianna (Kimberley Hodgson) and the demanding Jules (Chika Ikogwe) were also equally talented and convincing as fourteen year old schoolies. Harry (Aydan) was as cool and handsome as his character and seemed to be made for the role, having appeared on Australia’s Got Talent. Sharon Millerchip, a much awarded actress who played Edna’s Mum and many of the other minor characters, seemed to effortlessly change from middle aged stressed out single mum to a fly boy-band dancer. But it was Yve Blake who stole the show with her passion, compassion, talent and energy leading by example, and appearing to revel in the experience. 


During the interval, two of the performers mingled at the bar in character and then joined the audience as two groupies at the True Connection concert, lounging around and taking selfies with the audience members, another clever touch which indicated just how well thought out and planned every part of the presentation was. They even encouraged audience participation during the boy band concert with many of the audience swaying to the music with their mobiles lit. 


Fan Girls is brilliantly written and executed and has the potential to be adapted into the next big musical, as it was much more fun than the accoladed, The Book of Mormon. It is absolutely a must see show!



Written by Yve Blake, Music & Lyrics/Edna

Bille Brown Theatre, 

7 Sept—5 Oct 



Dr Gemma Regan