<p><span><span>- “<em>My mouth makes you remember / And my c*** makes you forget”</em> taken from <em>My Mouth, My C***</em>. At times we open a bottle, the door to the bulk-billed doctor’s office or in this exceptional case, encounter a record. The content placed in front of us is so increasingly terrifying only because it reflects the injurious truth into our 9-5 intentionally distracted lives. <em>Please Daddy</em>, Sarah Mary Chadwick’s new release is that luminous mirror that is preordained to jolt one awake. One to appreciate that all of the gut-wrenching feeling, all of the ravaging understanding, all of that loitering, treacherous labor is a part of the only formula that can push us towards growth. As Chadwick gifted herself the introspective act of moving on, and as we, the audience, listen in to her orchestral-folk-rock journey, we have been gifted that rosy destination too. We’re moving on, finally.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Rest assured that though life sharpens its genetically, economically, romantically structured knives. There are forty-one minutes of colossal multi-instrumental (that is, trumpet &amp; flute assisted) sound for the ride to the persistently cold emergency room, illuminating snack aisle, or the vast ocean that remarkably never ends. Wherever you end up, pleasantly know that -compared to her past- an advanced woman is there, playing the piano, devastatingly, in the corner; processing her ennui through humourous, poignant lyrics and thus, nuanced intelligent songwriting. Elongating her thoughts with her infamously jarring vocals and enunciating her pain but never her consonants; who says they need to be.&nbsp;</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>As horns lift Chadwick’s discography to an area that we’ve never seen, as the drums kick through the substantially market-friendly tracks, as the piano welds all moments of vulnerability together, <em>Please Daddy</em> is the result of dire, trying, necessary work. The sixth out of Chadwick’s catalog -not including previous work with punk group <strong>Batrider</strong>- showcases a revitalized artist. Escalating her self-made ceiling, exerting her voice, opening the gates to a name beyond comparison, Sarah Mary Chadwick is resilient. A resonant athlete in the sport of selfless, crushing honesty.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>- Tara Garman.</span></span></p>
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=4275306298/size=large/bgcol=f…; seamless><a href="http://sarahmarychadwick.bandcamp.com/album/please-daddy-2">Please Daddy by Sarah Mary Chadwick</a></iframe>