A request for the extradition and detention of U.S military veteran, Jordan GOOD ROW has been made by Venezuelan chief Prosecutor Taarek Saab in response to Mr GOOD -  ROW’S alleged involvement with a bizarre failed attempt at invading the Latin American state to overthrow the  regime of President Nicholas Maduro 
Mr Saab outlined Goodreau’s alleged guilt in organising the design, financing and execution of the raid along with two Venezuelan opposition politicians, Juan Rendon and Sergio Vergara who have also been implicated in the plot.

Goodrow was among a group of U.S citizens involved with the attack which ended after a firefight with Venezuelan security forces on the 4th of May.
U.S President Donald Trump as well as the White House National Security Council have denied any involvement in the plot with the National Security Council stating that if they were involved in the plot it would have been “Overt, Direct and effective”