U.S President Donald Trump will be announcing  Washington's response to Chinas decision to institute new national security laws targeting large scale protests which swept Hong Kong last year. 
U.S Sec. of State Mike Pompeo announced on Thursday the possibility of rescinding HK's special trade status which is tied into the former colonies autonomy 
Virtually the entirety of Chinese national peoples congress voted in favour of the new laws which are intended to target what Beijing has referred to as "secession, subversion, terrorism and foreign interference in Hong Kong. 
Hong Kong Legislative Councilman Jeremy Tam has warned that the renewed efforts from the Chinese central government to assert control over the territory which include  criminalizing disrespect for the Chinese national anthem will mean the introduction of vague "thought crimes"
In a statement late on Thursday, Hong Kong's government said that "Any sanctions are a double-edged sword that will not only harm the interests of HK but also significantly those of the US"
Adding that Between 2009 - 20018 the U.S trade surplus of 297 Billion USD with Honk Kong was Washington's largest among all its trading partners.