<p><span><span>- Originally coming out in the infancy of last year, <em>DIG </em>is seeing a physical release through a German label well versed in rounding up gutter punks and a healthy love for the Australian brand of it. STIFF RICHARDS<strong> </strong>is one of those immediately memorable names with an even more memorable sound, perfectly geared to raze any pub or backyard to the ground then pissing on the rubble they hoicked havoc upon. The Melbourne crew embrace dirty rock'n'roll, unabashed by any clichés. They must work under some Chev Chilios or a rigged GM New Look bus where if their speed or adrenaline drops below heart pounding ferocity, they’ll drop dead themselves into convulsing atrophy. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>So much of this record’s dynamic comes from endless, simple joy of stomping an effects pedal and your drummer opening up from the pocket to bash away on other available cymbals. In doing so, it kicks up already belter riffs into a higher gear, keeping the balls firmly out. Neanderthal presentation is cleverly sharked by putting <em>Intro </em>as a closer. Closing with an opener is a simple way to ramp up replay value immensely. The eponymous actual album opener revels in the pure joy that was mentioned before. A down-strummed deluge is howled into existence after a brief build up and waved on by the god almighty shouted green flag. There’s two riffs the entire song, both absolutely belted out and all the better for it. We skate along with <em>Bad Disease </em>&amp; <em>Taste</em> as they bare the gnashers of blokes in an uncomfortably warm shed, sweating out searing tracks. <em>Ostentatious </em>ups the heat as it wields more firebrand guitars. It’s Intercut with mimeable licks that will get your fret / bottle-wrapped fingers into action. A mid-song passage stripping back to scuzzed out bass and blitzkrieg drums is a too-sweet nod to the relentless rhythm section. Arson continues while <em>PEA’</em>s catch cries ring out. It’s a song that ignites the classic imagery of a sea of middle fingers. STIFF RICHARDS<strong> </strong>are a high energy band but this song warps that high energy into panic and urgency, possibly even nervous paranoia. Vocals distort themselves and add freneticism to an already swivel-eyed vibe. Contrast this with extra-snarky, extra-nasal venom delivery of <em>Do It Right Now </em>and <em>No Fun On The Beaches</em> and the five piece are aptly across Australia’s dirty ass rock'n' roll. Props as well for rattling off every shithouse thing about beaches. Really though, beaches suck and I’m glad finally someone has voiced that.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>It’s a pretty lame time with all gigs cancelled for the foreseeable future. STIFF RICHARDS bottle all the chaotic energy from vacant, voracious venues and vomit it out in a bee’s-dick under twenty minutes. In amongst bile and a half-digested burger there’s blistering guitar work, a cardio tour-de- force with the rhythms and vocals angry enough to be kicked out of their own gig for having too bad an attitude. If this band was placed in the movies <em>Speed </em>or <em>Crank</em>, they’d definitely survive. Life can be hard sometimes. STIFF RICHARDS are that much harder. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>- Matt Lynch.</span></span></p>
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=449445144/size=large/bgcol=ff…; seamless><a href="http://erstetheketontraeger.bandcamp.com/album/ett-082-stiff-richards-d… - 082 - Stiff Richards - DIG LP by Stiff Richards</a></iframe>