Image: Dr Karen Hughes with Ngarrindjeri Elder, Aunty Muriel Van der Byle who drew the 'Miwi' background artwork on our $50 note featuring David Unaipon.

Many Australians are aware of America’s famous Native American names like Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Geronimo to name a few.  However, how many of our own First Nation celebrated figures do we really know like David Unaipon?

4ZZZ reporter Eliot Rifkin spoke with with Karen Hughes who has been researching the life of David Unaipon, the celebrated Indigenous Australian featured on our $50 bill. Dr Hughes was also consulted on the bill's art element designs by the Reserve Bank of Australia. 

Dr Hughes  is an Associate Professor in Indigenous Studies and expert in Ngarrindjeri history, affiliated with Swinburne University in Victoria. Here's her bio and compilation of her other works

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