<p><span lang="en-AU">- Fresh on the local scene are Brisbane Indie-rockers, Tiny Castle. Announcing themselves emphatically with their debut EP, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Perspectives</em></span><span lang="en-AU">, Tiny Castle have delivered a mature release that is more redolent of a seasoned band at the peak of their powers than a budding act making their first foray into the world. This is largely due to the band’s phenomenal dynamic and expert song structure that leaves no room for filler sounds or redundant middle-eights. Instead, the EP is littered with driving verses that lead to catchy choruses, made for singing along to. </span></p>

<p><span lang="en-AU">Tiny Castle's cohesive EP has a strong sound. It's one that owes a small debt to the '80s, thanks to the salient synthesiser, but they still manage to sound contemporary and reminiscent of modern bands like </span><span lang="en-AU"><strong>Gang of Youths</strong></span><span lang="en-AU"> and </span><span lang="en-AU"><strong>City Calm Down</strong></span><span lang="en-AU">. The synth is prominent throughout the EP, but with a sparseness that still leaves ample room for the guitars, bass and drums to stand out themselves.</span></p>

<p><span lang="en-AU"><em>Perspectives</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> begins with a bang. Led by a panoply of pulsating drums and guitars, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Black Dove</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> is a perfect opening track. The song is a nostalgic tune, with lead singer and guitarist </span><span lang="en-AU"><strong>James Walker</strong></span><span lang="en-AU"> lamenting, “</span><span lang="en-AU"><em>She laid down, she woke up / And played truth or dare with love / The sweet sound, the black dove / The only voice I trust</em></span><span lang="en-AU">”. A band that unabashedly wears their hearts on their sleeves, Tiny Castle state that the EP “</span><span lang="en-AU"><em>explores what happens when young love succumbs to the desires of those who don’t follow the rules</em></span><span lang="en-AU">”. This is strongly felt on songs like </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Madeline</em></span><span lang="en-AU">, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Composure</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> and </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Sentimental Holiday</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> which closes the album wistfully and sends it home with expert drumming similar to that of </span><span lang="en-AU"><strong>The National</strong></span><span lang="en-AU">. Fourth track, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Bad Dreams</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> resembles classic Australian band </span><span lang="en-AU"><strong>INXS</strong></span><span lang="en-AU">, with its syncopated rhythm and angular guitars. Stand out track, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>I’m Like A River</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> is a slightly folky, mid-tempo rocker, that hits hard with an irresistible chorus. </span></p>

<p><span lang="en-AU">In the end it's hard to pick which bands Tiny Castle resemble most and that's the mark of a group -again, beyond their years- who have really digested their influences well. What's not at all difficult to pick is their imminent popularity, that's plain to see. </span></p>

<p><span lang="en-AU">- Jon Cloumassis.</span></p>
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=2150802552/size=large/bgcol=f…; seamless><a href="http://tinycastle.bandcamp.com/album/perspectives">Perspectives by Tiny Castle</a></iframe>