Charles Brice, Maven

Around one in five Australians live with a disability, often a physical, sensory or learning disability, but also invisible disabilities such as psychosocial and mental health disabilities. 

The United Nations defines disability as a long-term impairment that affects daily functioning. But it's the interaction that individuals have with society that actually causes the disability. 

In Australia, people with a disability are about 30% less employed than those without a disability which interrogates on what it means to have a disability in the workplace and what is being done to provide more employment opportunities and workplace flexibility to people with disability. 

Charles Brice has had a spinal cord injury for 10 years, and today works at the ABC and Maven, an organisation made to integrate people with disability into society.

Disability inclusion in the workplace relies on both disability employment providers that directly help individual by individual to find employment, but also on other organisations like Maven that want to change how society views people with disability by addressing to the companies and organisations that would employ them.


By 4ZZZ reporter Estelle Sanchez.


Photo Credit: Maven, we know website

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