Asthma On Steroids

Have you ever lost your breath for a moment?

2.5 million Australian Asthmatics have…  and for some, puffers aren’t enough - so they move on to steroids which can bring on  long-term side effects.  

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin chatted about Asthma and steroids with Professor John Upham from the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute. 

For a deep dive into asthma... visit Asthma Australia's resources and if you want to know more about severe asthma, here's the 'Severe Asthma Patient Charter' and the Severe Asthma Toolkit

Professor John Upham's paper was published in the Medical Journal of Australia and you can have a look here or see John's bio 

and lastly… here’s 5 ‘must’ have smartphone apps for people with Asthma