<p><span><span>- How have you been going, Future Islands? I haven’t heard from you in an upsettingly long time. I’m glad we finally have the chance to touch base because so much time has passed that my heart has grown awful needy due to the extended absence. So what’s been happening? Yes, I have kept up with <strong>Hemlock Ernst</strong> and his slow accumulation of features in the realm of jazz rap. He must have a connection with <strong>Kenny Segal</strong>’s wonderful world to fit in so snuggly. I’m less stoked on how <em>As Long As You Are </em>slipped under my release radar but we got here in the end, so I’m not too sad. I’m just happy to see you back more than anything else. I personally blame the internet’s algorithm that kept us apart for so long, it almost had us passing like ships in the night. In spite of that, we’ve found our way back to each other. For that, I’m very thankful. To be welcomed back into your majestic swathe of dream state productions, lullaby croons, and an elite tier rhythm section -to make any and all metronomes embarrassingly redundant- it’s a sublime place to be.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>A seaside soundscape invites you into <em>As Long As You Are</em>. It gazes pensively around Poseidon’s pride all while a gaggle of birds mill aimlessly around at a slower pace than what is customary for the Baltimore outfit, doubling down on this preoccupation with introspection. To prevent their eventual live shows from transforming into a sea of arm-crossed head nods, every song is scaffolded around a deep groove in which tempo is the only variable. You may not be solo dancing in step but you wont' be static in you presence. Said tempo picks up on our second step as <em>For Sure </em>triumphs through faith in reflection. <strong>William Cashion </strong>takes the helm here with deftly played, inch perfect bass, before twinkles of synths adds in treacle textures. A neat hi-hat triplet joins the fray on the chorus as <strong>Samuel T. Herring</strong>’s vocals sprint out. His voice snaps from an intimate hum to impassioned soar as soon as that chorus hits. <em>Born In A War </em>cracks open with a familiar sound. In an emotional downturn, sombre lines about shotgun shells under roofs bring the bop to a slow sway. If we tie this in with the can opening opening, there is something forget among the rubble of this song’s narrative. The rubble crumbles into the ominous <em>I Knew You</em>. This is a song you stand in the rain listening to. It is brought right back to a morose plod, providing a personal spotlight for a conversation with a former partner. The faintest synths swirl around to mix emotions and confuse us even more.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>To get back to the sound I’ve come to Future Islands for, <em>City’s Face </em>is an optimistic counterweight to <em>Born In A War</em>. Here we seek out a single face to rebuild and change the trajectory of a city. It runs without any percussion, to weave itself into the fabric of any place. This would be a perfect accompaniment for anyone who has changed cities. <em>Waking </em>is yet another outing that proves the spine of this band is leagues stronger than anyone else and is in an odd uncanny valley of rhythmic precision. Now that touring drummer <strong>Mike Lowry </strong>has joined the group it only galvanises on their greatest strengths. The tempo is so synced in, there is less sunlight here than in an Arctic Circle winter. To close out, <em>The Thrill </em>and <em>Hit The Coast </em>have let us have our cry. Then they picked us up, dusted us off and now we’re to keep going with some hope glimmers in our eyes. To any parents listening in, I’m sorry I made a <em>Bluey</em> reference. Our spirits are now raised and we’re off in a good stead.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Note perfect in execution and immaculate in writing, <em>As Long As You Are </em>has been worth all the wait. Like revisiting your home town, a wash of nostalgic reflection and pride of how far you come overs you. It feels so very right to be right back home. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>- Matt Lynch.</span></span></p>

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