<p><span><span>- I’ve never really bought into the deep, philosophical seriousness with which some fans regard <em>Neon Genesis Evangelion</em>. Is Shinji an emotionally-crippled messiah? Are the super-villainous dads, ethically compromised scientist mums and brutalising tween girl mecha pilots a Freudian / Lacanian analysis of human existence? Is the increasingly avant-garde strangeness and use of repeated frames a profound new chapter in the means of storytelling or did the producers just run out of money and lose their minds? I don’t know! Maybe once I tried to work it out and wish I hadn’t! However, Gold Coast based, math-tinged-post-hardcore kids Napoleonic Wars have made their whole new album, <em>Loop Train Line</em>, a riff on that iconic slice of giant-robot-fiction. Whether they bring further insight to these matters is a question that’s as open as the rest of them, but their angular, frenetic guitar-rock -sweetly singing one second and screaming the next- is as evocative of Neon Genesis’ jolting trauma as any other music I can think of.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>It’s been three-or-more years since the band’s standalone single <em>Triple-D-Dank</em>, which was the first of their material I heard. An epic compressed into four minutes, the rhythms chop and change at high speed, the harmonised riffage is excellent and it sounds like <strong>At The Drive In</strong>, even as it wears a goofy <strong>Van Halen </strong>grin. You know, I’m not actually sure NW do have a sense of humour - it’s like, if you’re going to base an entire album on an anime series you either have to be a joker, or very, very serious about what you do and while there’s evidence both ways - like finishing advance album single <em>Wookie Blunderland </em>with the lyrical flourish “<em>ska-doosh!</em>”- on consideration, I think it may be the latter here.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Whether the band can or cannot laugh at themselves the are developments going on that are easy to see: for instance, they’ve just about doubled in size. The most notable effect of this is <strong>Tiana Florea</strong> whose Goldie-accented vocals are clean in a way that makes her sound like she’s in a whole other band. At any rate, it allows NW to exercise the post-hardcore dirty / clean vocal contrast to maximum effect. Frontwoman <strong>Sarah Schwenk</strong>,<strong> </strong>can now leave most of the regular singing to Tiana, focusing on a banshee scream that threatens to tear the joint apart.&nbsp;</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Other additions, like <strong>Matt Sorenson</strong>’s keys and the sporadic but highly evocative sound of <strong>Toan Le-Vo</strong>’s tenor sax make Napoleonic Wars’ contemporary sound thick and rich. When it all comes together, like on the song <em>Barriers</em>, every other ingredient cooking in the guitar fuzz, it’s quite a buzz. Less effective is the production which is the work of the band’s drummer, <strong>Jake Morton</strong>. It has a low-fidelity warmth which might suit a band like <strong>Harmony</strong>, but is not so good at bringing out the multi-layered spaciousness of NW’s surprisingly delicate instrumentation and intricate rhythms.&nbsp;</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Much like <em>Neon Genesis</em> itself, after several trips round <em>Loop Train Line</em>, I’m not really any clearer on why Shinji is such a dick. In the manic emotional swings, the showoff rhythmic change-ups and the firestorm of screaming and guitar noise, it’s probably irrelevant. Down in the middle of that hell Tiana croons “<em>Will this angel heart satisfy you?</em>” like <em>Asuka Soryu </em>holding aloft some giant, twitching monster impaled on a gargantuan spear and, you know what? I’ll take it, even if I am holding it for the director’s feature-length recut, due for release a decade from now.&nbsp;</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>- Chris Cobcroft.</span></span></p>
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1539957964/size=large/bgcol=f…; seamless><a href="https://napwars.bandcamp.com/album/loop-train-line">LOOP TRAIN LINE by Nap Wars</a></iframe>