<p><span><span>- Prolific, eclectic and downright brilliant, Lachlan X. Morris is at it again, releasing the fourth in a stream of powerful albums. Latest instalment, <em>Muscle Memory</em> is a foot-stomping romper which conjures some of the essence of classic rock while maintaining Morris’ penchant for experimentation. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Opening with a chugging bass line and monolithic chord, <em>Pick Up the Knife</em> cuts through instantly with a catchy chorus and gregarious brass. Setting the course on a rocky road (pun intended), the album takes some slight detours into different genres. Third track <em>Again n Again</em> is one of the main detours doting on a theme which pops up again later in the album. An ode about getting old, Morris lethargically sings, “<em>Again and again, silver hair falls on your shoulders</em>”. Thematically and moodily atypical of a classic rock album, <em>Again n Again</em> is nonetheless typical of the unusual travails of a Lachlan X. Morris album. Subsequent track, <em>Supermoon</em> is one of Morris’ finest pop songs. Expertly crafted and executed, <em>Supermoon</em> sticks in your head in the best way, a doubt-killing proof that Morris is an immensely talented songwriter. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Throughout the album, Morris changes tack repeatedly, howling raucous blues on the roots-rock influenced <em>Baby I Want To Hold You (Accountable)</em> and singing plaintive lyrics on <em>Afterglow</em>. Despite the variance, the album flows seamlessly and holds your attention before finishing with the banging rocker <em>Pullin’ Teeth</em>. Nine tracks long and clocking in under forty minutes, <em>Muscle Memory</em> is as fun a rock album that has been produced this year and will be one to enjoy for a long time. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>-Jon Cloumassis.</span></span></p>
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=2827014038/size=large/bgcol=f…; seamless><a href="https://lachlanxmorris.bandcamp.com/album/muscle-memory">Muscle Memory by Lachlan X. Morris</a></iframe>