Gladstone, our neighbour to the north vigilantly guards our Southern Great Barrier Reef

Ever give much thought to our neighbour Gladstone up north?

Besides being an industrial powerhouse port with around 5 different industrial sectors, it's also environmentally conscious. Gladstone blends its industries with its pristine marine environment protecting dugongs and sea turtle rookeries at the Southern end of our Great Barrier Reef.

4ZZZ reporter Eliot Rifkin chatted with Dr Anjana Singh an environmentalist from Gladstone Ports Corporation about their environmental innovative research initiatives.

...and if you'd like to do a deep dive on the Gladstone Ports Corporation's Ecosystems Research and Monitoring Programs (ERMP) visit here, there's currently over a dozen programs on megafauna like dugongs and sea turtles as well as their habitats or their Big 6 Program. If documents and reports are your thing... visit here.

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