Ever given much thought to native grasses or how grasslands fit in our ecosystem?

Many of us see grass as a chore... to mow or something for livestock to feed on, but obviously grasses play a vital role on the earth. Grasslands border deserts and erosion or rainfall determines whether land turns to desert.

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted about the grasslands with Graeme Hand, the CEO of Stipa Native Grasses Association.

...and for a deep dive on grasses -

Here's a few places to help you identify grass species with pictures:

Although grasses are notoriously hard to identify unless "in" seed, Picture This is a free smartphone app that will help get you started in identifying, get your free app on Apple or Android

watch the BBC’s doco series Planet Earth (episode 7) - Great Plains on grasslands (available till 25 March 2021) or if you'd like to learn about regenerative livestock grazing - visit Hand for the Land 


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