Did you know RSPCA's animal hospital has even treated fish?

Many of us realise the RSPCA takes in injured animals… however have you ever given much thought to what goes on at their animal hospital? 

With all those diverse animal species arriving without appointments - where do the veterinarians come from?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted with Dylan Gerard the clinic coordinator of the RSPCA Queensland  about their Animal Hospital.

If you find an animal in distress or is injured, call the 24/7 emergency hotline 1800 ANIMAL (1800 264 625) and they'll help determine whether to bring the animal to your local vet, the RSPCA or a specialised carer group. Here's a flow chart to aid you in what to do in the meantime -  RSPCA Wildlife Animal Care Flow Chart.

To learn more about the RSPCA animal hospital visit here, ...and to find out about the various volunteer roles at the RSPCA animal hospital or their other various positions including fostering, op shop, photographers and many other roles visit here.

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