The coronavirus welfare supplement ends today, reducing the payments of those on unemployment and underemployment welfare.

As the $150 per fortnight supplement ends, the government has implemented a $50 increase to the JobSeeker base rate. 

The JobSeeker base rate increases to $620.80 per fortnight from today. 

The increase moves Australia from the lowest unemployment payment in the OECD, to the second lowest, ahead of Greece. 

Welfare advocates say JobSeeker should be increased to the rate of the combined JobSeeker allowance and the original coronavirus supplement -- a liveable $80 a day.

“This cut will force huge numbers of Australian workers into poverty and financial hardship. We call on the Morrison Government to increase JobSeeker to the liveable rate paid as the Coronavirus hit in 2020," said Australian Council of Trade Unions President Michele O’Neil. 

"Profits increased 8.9 per cent last year but working people in and out of work are being forced to make do with less."