Alan MacSporran, boss of Queensland’s Crime and Corruption Commission, responded to Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate stating an investigation "ruined the lives" of Logan councillors.

The two-year investigation resulted in multiple Councillors standing down and an administration council being brought in. However, the charges were all dropped this week.

Mayor Tate told the Courier Mail the investigation felt as if “someone was telling you it’s raining while standing behind you pissing down your back”.

“What happened in Logan is nothing short of contemptuous. I’m glad to see it’s stopped raining in Logan now that the CCC aren’t peeing on people’s lives.

“The chair is the one feeling wet right now and he needs to be stood down,” Tom Tate told the Courier Mail yesterday.

MacSporran said Mayor Tate’s comments were vulgar and unbecoming of an elected official.