<p><span><span>- Will Guthrie is fast becoming my favourite Aussie musician operating today. First sharpening his chops in Melbourne's jazz and improvised music scene, the veteran percussionist has since found residence in Nantes, France, persistently plying his craft on both the solo and collaborative fronts. Recent explorations include the disorienting tape-collage of <em>People Pleaser, Nist-Nah's </em>gamelan-based meditations, and last year's brain-bending double LP <em>Infoldings / Diffractions, </em>with generative electronic pioneer <strong>Mark Fell</strong>.<em> </em></span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Released on <strong>Oren Ambarchi's</strong> ever-innovative Black Truffle label, <em>Real Real World </em>is a continuation of these threads as Guthrie meets with electro-acoustic composer and keyboardist James Rushford in a largely performative setting. Will's trademark resonant scutter is underscored by a chasmic and breathy pipe organ on the opening track, Rushford's detuned voicings set the record's stage in shrill and sombre crescendo. There's a terse atmosphere throughout as both artists intentionally infringe on each other's creative space in search of uncommon ground. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Followup cut <em>Lumbering</em> showcases <em>Real World's</em> sparse use of overdubs atop its deeply acoustic core. The interplay here is between metallic and wooden textures, James feathers a creaky harmonium while Guthrie's sticks trace resonant surfaces. The track's front half is augmented by dubby bass stabs in its shifting low end before sputtering to life like a windchime possessed. Listener focus is centred around the in-studio progressions, showcasing a command of droning space flecked by more complex embellishments. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Legendary Melbourne saxophonist <strong>Scott McConnachie's</strong> presence on lead single <em>Slakes</em> ignites the record with much-needed momentum. The downward spiral of cascading rhythms and an almost-gothic organ pattern brings the track a doom metal-esque intensity, despite its boppier leanings. Closer <em>Blue-eyed Boy </em>glides back down to earth with a delicate piano lead atop its warm, organic swells. </span></span></p>

<p><span><span>With over twenty years of work behind him, each of Guthrie's new releases still manages to traverse new ground. <em>Real Real World </em>is the sound of two master craftsmen revelling in the unknown, toeing the line between the deeply acoustic and electronically amplified. While I'm not always a fan of overdubbing improv, the subtle additions here are entirely aligned with the knotty and dark habitats on display. What results is a guttural amalgamation of each artist's recent solo work and one of the most unique Australian releases out this year.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>- Boddhi Farmer.</span></span></p>
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1950676321/size=large/bgcol=f…; seamless><a href="https://blacktruffle.bandcamp.com/album/real-real-world">Real Real World by Will Guthrie &amp; James Rushford</a></iframe>