With both a federal election and the COP26 climate summit fast approaching, climate action is firmly at the fore of public debate. However, for young Australians, there is very little official recourse to voice their concerns over climate change and Australia’s lack of tangible targets to combat it. 4ZZZ journalist Tom spoke with three teenage organisers from School Strike for Climate Meanjin to hear about their movement and their efforts to have a say in their own futures. Tom first spoke with Aimee, a new addition to the School Strike Meanjin team, and asked her to give me a bit of an overview of the work they do.

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On-Air Story Introduction

With both a federal election and the COP26 climate summit fast approaching, climate action is firmly at the fore of public debate. However, for young Australians, there is very little official recourse to voice their concerns over climate change and Australia’s lack of tangible targets to combat it. 4ZZZ journalist Tom spoke with three teenage organisers from School Strike for Climate Meanjin to hear about their movement and their efforts to have a say in their own futures. Tom first spoke with Aimee, a new addition to the School Strike Meanjin team, and asked her to give me a bit of an overview of the work they do.

On-Air Story Conclusion

That was a few excerpts from Tom's conversations with Aimee, Erin and Charlotte, organisers with School Strike for Climate Meanjin. You’re listening to Brisbane Line on 4ZZZ.

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