Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has defended a 12 month investigation after 11 women complained about a Queensland Health manager who was accused of insulting co-workers with derogatory names and playing sexually charged “game ratings.”

According to the report, the investigation “partially substantiated” the allegations but found that quote, “name calling in the team is normal and done in an endearing manner.” 

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told Queensland parliament she was “unaware” of the incident and added that her government “cannot intervene” in the bullying incident. 

Ms Palaszczuk has since reinstated the accused man as a senior manager at Metro North and Health Service in Brisbane.

LNP Member for Whitsunday, Amanda Camm, accused the Palaszczuk government on Tuesday of “paying lip service to victims” with no consequences for the actions committed by the manager, and added that the Queensland Health response “has been one of victim blaming.”