Brazil’s health ministry website was hacked on Friday, taking down several systems with it including one with vaccination information, which has been said to have been stolen and deleted. 

User data in the ConectSUS app that provides Brazilians with vaccination certificates disappeared, with Brazil’s Deputy Health Minister, Rodrigo Cruz, adding on Friday evening that access to the vaccination data had not been recovered but it is “too early” to say whether or not the data has actually been lost. 

Under measures decided on Tuesday this week after President, Jair Bolsonaro, opposed the use of a vaccine passport, unvaccinated travelers arriving in Brazil will have to quarantine for five days and be tested for COVID-19. 

The requirement was due to start on Saturday, but the government said that would be postponed for a week as vaccination data is not accessible online following the attack. 

The alleged hackers call themselves Lapsus$ Group.