Recent data suggest that Queenslanders are the most reluctant in the nation to get a COVID-19 jab - despite opening its borders to interstate travelers on Monday.

Vaccine hesitancy has dropped from 11.5% to 9.6% across the nation in the last two weeks, according to the Melbourne Institute’s latest vaccine hesitancy tracker, while in QLD, 14.2% remain hesitant of getting the COVID-19 jab. 

Concerns persist amongst experts that the state’s vaccination among people aged 16 and above will stall before it reaches 90% fully vaccinated, however they have also noted that the state’s hesitancy may be due to the lack of a “widespread outbreak within the state.”

This data comes after 2 of the biggest day’s in the state's vaccine rollout, with over 100 thousand Queenslanders rolling up their sleeves to get the jab in the past 48 hours.

The current vaccination rate stands at 82.6% of 16 and above adults fully vaccinated, with 88.8% receiving one dose.