<p><span><span>- Brisbane’s <strong>Sampology</strong> (of <strong>Middle Name Dance Band</strong>) has just released <em>Regrowth Rearranged</em>, a kind of remix EP via his own label <strong>Middle Name Records</strong>. This naturally follows from last year’s stellar album <em>Regrowth</em>, a work that taps into many styles of music from dance, to hip-hop and jazz-funk. <em>Regrowth Rearranged</em> comprises two of Sampo’s originals (<em>Ten Foot Flowers</em> and <em>Running Around</em>) with contributions from <strong>Glass Beams</strong>, <strong>IZY</strong>, <strong>IN2STELLAR</strong> and <strong>Ront Trent.</strong></span></span></p>

<p><span><span>First up is the <em>Flower Edition</em> of <em>Ten Foot Flowers </em>by Melbourne’s Glass Beams. They take <em>Ten Foot Flowers</em> very much in their own direction, grabbing the Sampology vox and laying down a dissonant groove underneath it. IN2STELLAR<strong> </strong>brings it to the dance floor, transforming the song into a squelchy, acid-tinged bit of house. This contrasts nicely with the original which has quite a disco flavour, with lots of groovy instrumentation and a complex arrangement.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span><em>Running Around</em> has a similar uptempo air, though it’s built around a sample that Sampology re-recorded with the aid of <strong>Jace XL</strong> (of <strong>Hiatus Kaiyote</strong>) on vocals. Melbourne’s Izy provide their own rendition of the track, ramping up the soul in a deft cover version. The housey feel of <em>Running Around</em> is expanded upon by Ron Trent, one of the stalwarts of Chicago house (the compilation <em>Prescription: Word, Sound &amp; Power</em> is essential). Over nine-minutes Trent takes you through various moods and flavours, while keeping it constantly funky and often syncopated.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span><em>Regrowth Rearranged</em> maintains the Middle Name Records stamp of excellence with two excellent originals and four strong reinterpretations. Sampology has selected some real talent to rework his songs, with the results taking us deeper into the realms of house, soul and cosmic jazz.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>- Hill Folk.</span></span></p>

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=4169982607/size=large/bgcol=f…; seamless><a href="https://sampology.bandcamp.com/album/regrowth-rearranged">Regrowth Rearranged by Sampology</a></iframe>