Janine Rees ran in the seat of Ryan during the 2022 federal election with the Australian Progressives party. The party is new, having run only in a few elections before this most recent one; however it has high hopes for expansion around the country. 4ZZZ journalist Samuel O’Brien spoke to Australian progressives interim Queensland president Edward Carroll during the election campaign about how the party works, what it stands for and their plans for the future.

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Janine Rees ran in the seat of Ryan during the 2022 federal election with the Australian Progressives party. The party is new, having run only in a few elections before this most recent one; however it has high hopes for expansion around the country. 4ZZZ journalist Samuel O’Brien spoke to Australian progressives interim Queensland president Edward Carrol during the election campaign about how the party works, what it stands for and their plans for the future.

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That was Samuel O'Brien speaking to Australian Progressives interim Queensland President Edward Carrol.

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