K’gari is returned to Butchulla people

You may have heard that Fraser Island has reverted back to its original name - K’gari last year, however did you know the Butchulla people have just received a land transfer of 22 hectares?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted about the land transfer and how it empowers the Butchulla people in revitalising cultural practices with Chantel Van Wamelen General Manager for the Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation.

For a deep dive...

If you wish to contact or keep up with the latest on the Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation, check out their Facebook page.

For some general knowledge, this link will provide a basic overview on the Butchulla nation.

To understand how Land Transfers for Indigenous Australians operate under Queensland law, the state government website provides links and definitions on the overall process. 

Here is the 2022 Ministerial Media Statement on the return of K'gari (Fraser Island) to its traditional owners. 

Back in 2014, Native Title rights were granted to the Butchulla nation by the Federal Court, this article reports on the landmark decision. 

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