<p><span><span><span>- I recently heard </span><strong>Jelena Golunza</strong><span>, frontwoman for Naarm / Melbourne hardcore band OUTRIGHT talking about how great it is the band can still do its thing, after more than a decade in the business. It’s difficult! Life gets in the way: the family, the job at the bank, the failing joints. If you are able to though, the dividends can be amazing, especially for the listeners. I often marvel at just how good bands get: you got to remember, when most of them start out, they’re kids and can barely play. As tight as OUTRIGHT sound now, you’d think they’d been around for <em>twenty</em> years. Really though, I was listening to a demo of theirs from back in 2011 and, well, the production was rough as guts -to be honest that’s pretty appropriate for hardcore- but the playing was already amazing. </span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><span>Yeah, I have to admit OUTRIGHT are good enough, I might listen to them even if the band’s politics were pretty dodgy. Yeah, judge me, but maybe you listen to such politically unsound earworms as </span><strong>Melvins</strong><span>, or … frickin’ </span><strong>Kate Bush</strong><span>, I know what you’re tacitly condoning! How fortunate, then, OUTRIGHT’s political credentials are still impeccable. Their very name is borrowed from a song by Newcastle hardcore outfit with a strong feminist streak, </span><strong>Arms Reach</strong><span>. OUTRIGHT’s own feminist streak is on proud display on </span><em>Keep You Warm</em><span>. Advance single </span><em>The Hammer</em><span> repurposes the hexenhammer, the crazed screed of dark age misoginysts and arms a new generation of witches with the ideological weaponry to go and hunt the witch hunters. “</span><em>Salem’s lot / Give back what we got / Hunt you down</em><span>” as Jelena screams.</span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><span>I like the self-empowerment twist that OUTRIGHT put on that classic hardcore obsession with wrestling personal demons. I mean, life is tough and there’s a lot of shit to go through. I think Jelena nearly gives in on the other album advance, </span><em>Burn</em><span>. One-and-a-half minutes teetering on the edge of disaster: “</span><em>Exhaustion / Setting in / Tough skin / Wearing thin / Bold eyes / Turning blind / Each hour / Losing my mind.</em><span>” OUTRIGHT, however, are always there with an arm around the shoulder and a gentle word of encouragement … screamed in your face.</span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><em>Keep You Warm </em><span>takes the time to target a lot of contemporary issues. They knock down statues to colonisers on opener </span><em>Truth Teller</em><span> and take up the call for treaty, (that's </span><em>Makarrata</em><span> in the Yolngu - I learned a thing!), on </span><em>Tied Through Time</em><span>. Populist demagogues get a spray on </span><em>Tyrants/Vultures</em><span> and the sorry state of the environment is the theme of closer, a tribute to the ecological classic, </span><em>Silent Spring</em><span>. Actually did you know that species depopulation is a whole other issue to climate change? Human activity has wiped out around seventy percent of all vertebrate species in the last fifty years; and people wonder why we’re all angsty and listening to hardcore.</span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><em>Keep You Warm </em><span>is pretty expansive for a hardcore record and not just in the range of topics it takes on. Though it’s mostly content to do hardcore, really well, it’s hard to ignore the seven-and-a-half-minute prog-core monster, </span><em>The Call</em><span>, putting a horror-movie twist on psychological self-sabotage and lavishing it with a lumbering, enormous stoner groove; nice!</span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><span>Going back to that interview I heard (it was with the </span><strong>Born Yesterday Sweaters Club </strong><span>podcast</span><strong> </strong><span>if you want to look it up), Jelena said that every time she feels like she’s too old to be in a hardcore band, or the idiocy of the music biz makes her want to get the hell out, she thinks of her fourteen-year-old self and how much every kid, but especially non-CIS-male kids need bands they can look up to as role models. I’m not fourteen any more and I know there’s people out there who’ve had to deal with a lot more crap than I have, but I too am extremely glad OUTRIGHT is still a going concern.</span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><span>- Chris Cobcroft.</span></span></span></p>

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1662453887/size=large/bgcol=f…; seamless><a href="https://outright-hc.bandcamp.com/album/keep-you-warm-lp">KEEP YOU WARM LP by OUTRIGHT</a></iframe>

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