Weaning off long term use of anti-depressants

When is it time for some people to consider discontinuing ʻlong-termʻ antidepressant use? How do you begin that process?  4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin chatted with Riitta Partanen an Associate Professor from UQ's Rural Clinical School about the careful planning required in discontinuing anti-depressant use.

For a deep dive...

Dr Partanen has also participated in a podcast with the British Journal of General Practice, which you can listen to here as well as find out more about Riitta’s research here. Her paper on discontinuing ʻlong-termʻ anti-depressant use is hereIf youʻre considering stopping your anti-depressants talk to your GP.
Here's some good tips on weaning off anti-depressants and a recent review on stopping.

Here are some additional sites that might be useful in understanding depression, anxiety and the things people can do to help themselves.

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